Refund and Cancelation Policy

Buyer protection

When shopping on Gestuz PRE.LOVED Service, buyers are protected from fraud and will be refunded if a purchased item never ships or has been misrepresented by the seller.

Standard product returns or exchanges are not accepted as you are trading with private sellers, and all sales are final. If you are unhappy with an item or regret a purchase, you can re-list it to find a new buyer.

You are eligible for buyer protection if:

  • Your order does not ship
  • You receive an item that is determined inauthentic by our customer support
  • You receive an item that is not well-kept
  • You receive an item that does not match its description (i.e. the wrong item).

Refund policy

If an item purchased in the Gestuz PRE.LOVED Shop has been misrepresented, you must notify us about the issue within three (3) days from the date you received your order. Simply contact our customer support and describe the situation using your Order Number. Three (3) days after delivery, your payment is automatically released to the seller, and you can no longer claim a refund.

When contacting our support team, you should include images of the item and the specific issues you are reporting. Please include a handwritten note with your name, the date and the word Gestuz PRE.LOVED on all provided images to validate the documentation and help us resolve the issue.

If we agree that the item you have purchased has been misrepresented, you will be asked to return the item to the seller. You will receive a shipping label to use for the return in your email inbox and have six (6) days to drop off the item in your nearest parcel shop. When the shipping label has been scanned, your refund will be issued. Please note that it can take up to 10 business days for a refund to show on your account.

In order to receive your refund, you must use the provided shipping label for the return. If you fail to ship the item and do not use the provided shipping label within six (6) days from the date you received it, you will not be refunded, and the order status will go back from canceled to completed.

Refund eligibility

If any of the following apply to your purchase, please contact our customer service team immediately:

  • Undisclosed damage
  • Incorrect or missing item
  • Not an authentic Gestuz item

For further information, check out our Refunds FAQ here.

Recurrent return requests

We offer high standards to protect users of the Gestuz PRE.LOVED Service and offer the best possible experiences for buyers and sellers. To minimize risk and provide safety, we monitor the number of return requests made by individual buyers and the number of claims made against individual sellers. Repeated claims will be flagged and may lead to the removal of your account. Any misuse of the Gestuz PRE.LOVED Service will be flagged as a violation of the Terms and conditions and may result in user suspension and full closure of your account.